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0-i knowwwww-0

i know just a words in romanian....from my fan Alina (i speak with she on messenger) .... this words is in romanian...and i know...:>

`pune dovezile` .....

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Comments • 5

lalaland 16 January 2010  
is not "i" is I,dear fake;)
SelenaCrazyGirl 22 April 2010  
i know this dear:)
but i write how i want!
UsLaLa 22 April 2010  
"a words"??
"with she"??
"this words"??
"words is"??
=]]=]]]=]]]]]]]] OMGsh! Fuck off!
and Sele doesn't care about the Romanian language ;)
AllexaSkadoske 16 January 2010  
just a fake,right sis?
BabyFace 7 January 2010  
just a fake
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